A Palestinian medical source reported on Wednesday that four residents were seriously injured west of Salfit in the West Bank while they were trying to stop the military bulldozers from uprooting their fields.

A local source in Dir Ballout, west of Salfit, reported that soldiers fired at the four residents from a close range seriously injuring Amjad Daoud Abdullah, 33, and his Brother Maher, 28, Khalil Abdullah Abdullah, 54, and Hamada Abdul-Wahab, 24 years old.

Three of the injured residents were transferred by a military ambulance to Pneselon Hospital in Israel, while the Abdul-Wahab was transferred to Ramallah governmental hospital.

The injuries of the four residents were concentrated in the abdomen lower back, and their legs.

A local source in Dir Ballout said that the four residents were living in their fields for twenty days fearing that the army will bulldoze their land and annex it to erect the Separation Wall.

So far, Israeli soldiers confiscated at least 2000 Dunams from the village in order to erect the Separation Wall.