Against Israeli security and police expectations, tens of thousands of Muslim worshippers peacefully concluded weekly prayers in Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem on Friday.

Amid high alerts of a possible attack by Jewish extremists against Haram Al-Sharif, Israeli police have been put on high alert, and Jerusalem is sealed from the West bank ahead of the Moslem Friday prayer. 

Police is working on the assumption that Palestinians could participate in acts of protest during prayers, because of the decision by the Revava movement to bring thousands of Jews to the site on Sunday.

Police source described the Haram Al-Sharif compound as ‘an explosive device that could be set off by the slightest confrontation.’

United Arab List MK Abdulmalik Dehamshe said Thursday he would personally block the access of any Jews who tried to enter the holy compound on Sunday.

‘I am willing to become a martyr and die protecting the holy mosque,’ Dehamshe said.

The police have decided to bar entry to all Jews to the holy compound Sunday due to a high level of warnings about a possible attack by Jewish extremists.

Some 3,000 policemen will be deployed in the area of the Haram Al-Sharif and the Old City.

Only Moslem men aged 40 and above and hold an Israeli citizenship will be allowed to enter to the Holy compound to join the Friday prayer.

The Palestinian parliament yesterday issued a warning to Israel about the consequences of any actions that could harm Haram Al-Sharif.

Hamas yesterday called on Palestinians everywhere to hold rallies after today’s prayers, to protest against ‘the danger to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.’