Israelipolice released Monday Sheikh Hassan Yousif after being detained for few hours for entering Jerusalem without a permit.

Israeli Police detain Sheikh Hassan Yousif

Israeli police Sunday detained a Hamas West Bank leader, Sheikh Hassan Yousif, while leaving Jerusalem after joining the noon prayer in Haram Al-Sharif. Police says he entered Jerusalem without a proper permit. 

According to an eyewitness said Yousef was driving back to the West Bank from Jerusalem when he was stopped at an Israeli checkpoint and taken from his vehicle by police

He Yousef is one of the most outspoken of the Hamas leaders who favor steering the movement away from violence and towards mainstream politics.

A relatively peaceful end to a tense Jerusalem day

Against police expectations, only dozens of extreme right wing Jews remained in the old city on Sunday. Few dozens attempted to enter into Haram Al-Sharif yard, but were prevented by the police.

Responding to Moslem leaders call to ‘protect Al-Aqsa’, thousands stayed overnight inside the mosque, while thousands more started pouring into the old city of Jerusalem from early morning hours. Most of them came from Arab towns inside Israel.

Police also prevented Moslem worshippers from joining the noon prayer inside the mosques, leaving thousands standing under the sun near the gates leading to the second in holiness Moslem Shrine.

In a couple of occasions, tension between police and crowds of people, who were denied entry, resulted in clashes in which 12 Palestinians and two police officers were lightly wounded. Two of the Palestinian wounded were moved to a Hospital in Jerusalem for treatment.

The situation is the old city is relatively calm, and most of people gathered have started leaving the place back to their towns.

Thousands of Far-right Jews pouring in the old city of Jerusalem

Some 3,000 police were deployed the Old City of Jerusalem on Sunday in order to prevent extreme rightists from entering Haram Al-Sharif, and encounter possible protests by Palestinian worshippers angered by the threat posed against their holiest shrine and the killing of three Palestinian children in Gaza last night.

According to Israel Radio, Israeli Police early Sunday detained and questioned nine members of the Revava movement, including movement leader Yisrael Cohen.

Thousands of extreme right wing Jews, members in and supporters of the Reviva group, started Saturday evening pouring into the old city of Jerusalem. The group would attempt to break into Haram Al-Sharif compound on Sunday despite the government’s decision to ban entry to the Holy compound.

Hundreds of far-right Jews were seen holding torches and moving between the Gates, leading to Al-Aqsa mosque.

Meanwhile, Israeli police announced Saturday that only Moslems who are above 40 years old and are citizens of Israel will be allowed to pray in the mosque on Sunday.

IMEMC correspondent in Jerusalem reported that hundreds of Palestinians from East Jerusalem spent the night inside the mosque, and are ready to protect the Moslem’s second in Holiness Shrine.