The Egyptians security forces have arrested a Palestinian who admitted that he smuggled Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles into Gaza through Sinai.

Israel is worried that the smuggling of such missiles would ‘upset the balance’ in its war against Palestinian resistance groups.

The smuggling is said to be carried by a group named “Fatah Haks”, who are loosely affiliated with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ ruling group.

Egyptian security did not specify whether the smuggling took place prior or after the Sharm el-Sheikh summit.

Israeli security has said that one of the missiles was publicly displayed in a resistance parade in the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian announcement and the display of missiles would no doubt serve Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon mission in the United States.

Palestinian resistance has been making efforts to get hold of more advanced weapons than the locally made ones in order to “advance self defense capabilities” against the advanced Israeli military arsenal.