Soldiers completely blocked the entrances of Jenin, in the north of the West Bank and intensified military presence around the city, on Wednesday night.

A local source in Jenin said that a military bulldozer bulldozed Jeni-Borqeen road, completely destroying it and made it unusable, while tens of armored jeeps and vehicles erected several roadblocks banning the residents from moving.

Soldiers on the other hand erected roadblocks in most of the main and sub roads around Jenin and barred the residents from crossing them while soldiers deployed in the fields and streets.

The military procedures came after soldiers carried out a military operation in the city and shot dead four Palestinians, and wounded two others on Wednesday afternoon.

IMEMC correspondent in Jenin said that soldiers and under covered units entered the city and broke into the industrial zone and shot dead & Fkahri Zakarneh, Ibrahim Abu Salha, and Mo’ath Qteit.

The correspondent added that more than three cars filled with masked soldiers raided the area and fired in several directions, and attacked a workshop while shooting heavily is several directions.

An eye witness said that soldiers could have easily apprehended every one who was at the workshop but instead they opened automatic fire at everyone who was there.

Two of the activists assassinated in Jenin are brothers; Fadi Fakhri Zakarneh, 23 years old, an activist of Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, and his brother Fawwaz, 21 years old, and activist in the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The two others activists assassinated in the military raid are Moath Khteir, and Ibrahim Salha, from the village of Series , in the south of Jenin.

A local source in Jenin said that the two activists were at a mechanic Garage fixing a car they were using when soldiers attacked the place and fired at them, and apprehended three residents; two among them were shot wounded in the operation.

Despite the huge military presence in the area, Palestinian resistance exchanged fire with the soldiers after the assassination, while armed pushed more troops in the area and conducted vast searches.

Both Al-Quds Brigades and the Popular Front released statements calling for steadfastness and unity among the Palestinians factions in the continuous struggle against the occupation.