Three Palestinians were arrested in the northern West Bank city of Nablus as the Israeli army resumes its invasion in the city, and the surrounding villages and refugee camps for the second day.

A local source in Nablus reported that Israeli soldiers conducted military searches in dozens of homes over night in Balata refugee camp after invading it from the southern and northern entrances.

At least three residents were arrested and transferred to a neighboring military camp.

In a separate incident, one child identified as Ahmad Sanaqra, 16, was seriously injured when an explosive device, apparently left by the army detonated near him.

In Tulkarem, a Palestinian medical source reported on Wednesday that Mohammad Al-Haj Yahia was seriously injured in his head after soldiers fired live ammunition at homes in the northern neighborhood.

Yahia was standing on the roof of his home when he was shot.

A medical source in Tulkarem said that Yahia was transferred to Rafidia hospital in Nablus.