As army stepped up its operations in the northern Gaza Strip, four residents were killed in Jabalia refugee camp, and more than twenty were wounded, four seriously, on Thursday.

A medical source at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Khan Younis, said that Mohammad Ez Ed Deen, 23 years old, was shot dead as soldiers fired at several homes in Tal Al-Zaatar area, in Jabalia refugee camp, after sustaining a gunshot injury to his chest.

Meanwhile, Sami Abu Thabit died at Kamal Adwan Hospital of wounds sustained earlier on Thursday dawn, in addition to a 9 years old child who died after soldiers shelled homes in the camp.

The fourth resident, Mohammad Mousa Ali, 18 years old, died in Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza of critical wounds sustained at fields planted with citrus-fruits earlier ion Thursday; several others residents were wounded, two among them were seriously injured.

Soldiers, on the other hand, pushed more troops in the area and widened its operations and shelling in Jabalia refugee camp and around it.

A local source in Jabalia refugee camp, said that soldiers fired several missile at a gathering of people which caused the huge number of injuries which exceeded 13 residents, among them at least one resident who sustained critical wounds.

A Palestinian security source said that the first raid was carried out by a military apache which fired missile at Jabalia refugee causing seven injuries.

The second raid occurred after the apaches fired missiles at a Citrus –Fruits field causing a number of injuries.

The two raids were accompanied by a wide scaled invasion carried out by several armored vehicles and tanks which raided the camp through Al-Sikka Street on the eastern entrance of the camp.