Wednesday afternoon, dozens of settlers, apposing Sharon’s disengagement plan, broke into a graduation ceremony for Israeli soldiers in Latrun, north of the country.


An Israeli source reported that two right-wing settlers stormed the stage during the ceremony which was held at the Armored Corps Museum at Latrun, other settlers handed the audience anti-pullout slogans.

Moshe Ya’alon, the Israeli chief of staff was at the stage when the settlers stormed it but did not approach him, the Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.

Daphna Hariri, the commander of one of the centered where the training courses were held, was forced to break her speech of after the settlers disrupted.

Also on Wednesday, Israeli police arrested, Itamar Ben Gvir, a known right-wing extremist, on suspicion of attacking the Israeli police in Hebron. Two other settlers were arrested when Attorney General Menachem Mazuz visited a settlement in the West Bank.

Mazuz was visiting an area when the Separation Wall surrounded a Palestinian family which was attacked by settlers on numerous occasions in recent years.

The family left their home due to the settlers’ attacks, who hurled stones and eggs at their home in addition to poisoning their water sources.

The Israeli High Court of Justice ordered that the family should be allowed to return to their home after the army constructed a wall surrounding it.