A group of ‘pragmatic’ settlers from Gush Katif, acting as an ‘alternative leadership,’ are pushing for a deal that allows a quite pullout in exchange to moving en bloc to Nitzanim, the nature preserve of sand dunes on the coast between Ashkelon and Ashdod. 

In a slated for Sunday meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the prime minister is expected to give the green line to the Nitzanim plan in exchange to agreement with the settler group on the “rules of the evacuation game”


The settlers group is ready to promise that the evacuation would take place without disturbances, or with ‘minimal friction.’

Sharon’s main worry remains to be whether a critical mass of settlers will join the deal, therefore enabling a quite evacuation.

Sharon is eager for a voluntary evacuation and is ready to ‘sacrifice a lot’ for the sake of that, sources close to the Prime Minister said.

Even though the environmental aspects of the plan are also troubling, Sharon would be tempted to bush it ahead full speed.

The Israeli Environmental Affairs Ministry and green groups expressed last week serious concerns on the expected environmental damage linked to the Nitsanim proposal.