The Palestinian and Arab prisoners’ hunger strike enters its 13th day with more solidarity tents established in different parts of the West Bank and the Palestinian cities and towns in Israel.

In Baqa Al-Gharbyeh, solidarity tent has been erected on Saturday were hundreds of people meet there and sit in solidarity.

A one day hunger strike has also been organized in Nazareth near St. Mary’s church in the town. Additionally, around 17 Syrians in the occupied Golan Heights declared a hunger strike in the town of Majdal Shams on Thursday.

Besides, almost all cities and refugee camps of the West Bank and Gaza strip have erected solidarity tents where families, friends and prisoners support committees stay there and in many places join the hunger strike as well.

Solidarity with the prisoners has not been limited to Palestinians only, but internationals as well. Several International peace activists joined the hunger strike in different locations in the West Bank.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) has declared Monday, August 30 as a general hunger strike for all its activists in Palestine in solidarity with the prisoners. According to its coordinators, the ISM support groups all over the world will also join the hunger strike in their countries in front of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Israeli Embassies in their countries in solidarity with the striking prisoners and to demand Israel to stand for its responsibilities towards the prisoners.

It seems that solidarity with the prisoners extended to the neighboring Arab countries.

Media sources reported that the Egyptian Lawyers Syndicate organized a day of solidarity with the prisoners in Cairo on Thursday.

Around 50 declared a partial hunger strike and then hundreds joined them in a sit in in front of the syndicate building.

On the eleventh day of the strike, the strikers will not be able to move. They will lose on Kilogram of their weight each day. The heart will shrink, blood pressure will drop and the skin will wrinkle.

In later stages, strikers will partially start loosing their senses. The sense that will be lost after the 30th day will not be retrieved.

Prisoners need to get some salt during their strike so that their stomach and intestines will not rotten. However prisons authorities confiscated the salts they have to foil their strike.

One prisoner has been taken to hospital form Nafha prison in the past 13 days so far. The prisoner suffered a drop in his blood pressure because of the lat of slats. It is expected that more prisoners will be hospitalized as well.

Human Rights Organization in Israel Adaleh, appealed to the Israeli High court of justice to demand the prisons’ authority to return the salts to the prisoners.