According to the terms of international law, illegal settlers in occupied territories enjoy no legal rights. All are waiting to hear what the Israeli High Court have to say.

Settlers are planning a wave of petitions to the High Court of Justice against the revised route of the separation fence, arguing that it infringes their rights.

The revised rout of the separation wall would leave many settlements east of the wall. The original plan dismissed by the High Court included almost all of them west of the wall.

The issue is that including those settlements west of the wall would turn many of the nearby Palestinian villages into fenced-off enclaves.

Settlers are worried that Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz promises to include all of the settlements of Gush Etzion and Ma’aleh Adumim ‘inside,’, will not be possible to keep as the finally decision will be subject to U.S.-Israel negotiations.

For example, Binyamin settlements Regional Council is already planning a High Court petition over the large tracts of settlers land that will be left outside the revised fence, saying that the planners have no right to separate Jews from their land.

As well, the municipality of Modi’in Ilit settlement is planning its own petition, after discovering that hundreds of dunams slated for residential construction will now be outside the wall.

Now, settlers are claiming that their “rights” be preserved. It is impossible to preserve the rights of Palestinians, which is recognized by the entire international body, and at the same time, the claimed “rights” of West bank settlers, who were moved into Palestinian territories by their own government.

The fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the transfer of civilian population to occupied territories.

Israeli legal experts are calling the government to apply the international convention in the Palestinian territories.

The Israeli high court demanded a Sate official stand on the International Court of Justice ruling that rendered both the wall and settlements illegal.

According to the terms of international law, illegal settlers in occupied territories enjoy no legal rights. All are waiting to hear what the Israeli High Court have to say.