Members of the Aqsa Martyr Brigades, the armed
wing of Fatah invaded on Sunday the Palestinian Legislative Council
office in Jenin and demanded the members to resign in protest to ‘the
PA neglect of families of martyrs and prisoners’, Palestinian sources
reported on Monday.

Speaking in a sit-in in solidarity with the prisoners in Jenin, Zakaria
Al-Zubeidi, leader of the Brigades in the West Bank, accused the
Palestinian Authority of neglect.

Al-Zubeidi said, they have fully took over the PLC office in Jenin and
if lawmakers do not resign by their will, this will forcefully happen.

The Aqsa Brigades’ members declared a sit-in in solidarity with the
Palestinian prisoners started in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails started a hunger strike on Sunday.

The brigades’ members have blocked the main road in Jenin city on Sunday for the same reason.