Family of two detainees from Bethlehem appealed humanitarian organizations to aid in releasing their sons and end their suffering in solitary confinement.

The family of Nasser and Nidal Sweilim, 18 and 22 years old, said that their sons are facing harsh treatment, and bad living conditions.

Nasser was arrested on May 2004, and was placed sin in Hadarim central prison.

Nasser was sentenced to 21 consecutive years, and suffering from psychological problems as a result of torture and solitary confinement.

Meanwhile, Nidal, 22 years old, was sentenced to 6 consecutive years, and is suffering from an injury in his chest, and contracted infections as a result of medical neglect and bad environmental conditions in detention.

The family, which is barred from visiting their detained sons, appealed humanitarian organizations to intervene and enable their sons have access to medical needs and better conditions.  

Also, the family demanded to be allowed to visit their sons since prison administration barred the two detained brothers from their visitation rights since they were arrested.