Palestinian Minister Mohammed Dahlan said that Israel must transfer control over all border crossing in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority as part of the upcoming Israeli withdrawal.

Dahlan added that this issue will be raised in next meeting with the Israeli Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz in upcoming meeting scheduled for Thursday.

“Any Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip would not be complete, if the army does not hand over all crossings to the P.A; Israel must transfer control over Gaza sea and air ports to the P.A control”, Dahlan said.

Dahlan said that he would raise several issues with Mofaz including stats of the Gaza Strip after the Israeli withdrawal.

Also, Dahlan demanded that Israel should carry it withdrawal in accordance with the Road Map Plan, which is supported by the United States.

“Concerning the security aspect of the Israeli withdrawal, we will focus on securing and protecting the properties in the evacuated settlements, this is a property which belongs to the Palestinian nation and not for opportunists or groups of criminals to seize it”, Dahlan said.