Palestinian Civil Affairs Minister Mohammed Dahlan demanded Sunday that Israel coordinate with the Palestinian Authority the line to which it will withdraw under the Gaza Strip disengagement plan.

The demand was raised in meetings with Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz and senior Israeli officials.

‘If you don’t want the problems of the Shaba Farms, coordinate the line with us,’ Dahlan said.

Dahlan also said that the pullout won’t be complete and won’t mean an end to the occupation of the Gaza Strip without a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza border crossings.

‘The withdrawal will not be complete without full Palestinian control at the crossings, without [Israeli] authorization to build the port and airport, and without a physical connection between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,’ Dahlan said.

Palestinians want the border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip to be erected on the pullout line, and not inside Palestinian territory.

Israel insist that coordination be limited to security cooperation and the transfer of settlements’ assets. 

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is expected to make a final decision on the fate of settlers’ evacuated homes on Tuesday.

Following a recommendation submitted by Mofaz, Sharon is leaning towards reversing an Israeli cabinet earlier decision, which calls for demolishing settlers’ homes.