Lebanon’s security chief Jamil al-Sayyed submitted his resignation on Monday, hours before the last Syrian military and intelligence forces were due to leave the country.

‘Security chiefs are usually appointed with politics and change when it changes,’ al-Sayyed said in his resignation letter.

According to a United Arab Emirates daily newspaper Al-Bian, Lebanon’s military intelligence Chief Reymon A’azar also resigned and left Lebanon on Sunday with his family. Some Lebanese opposition groups believes that A’azar was involved in the assassination of former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri. 

Al-Bian reported that A’azar has moved to Paris. He was suspended for a month at the request of the Lebanese opposition so that his alleged involvement in Hariri’s assassination could be investigated.

Lebanon’s new Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, said last week that he will remove all Lebanese security Chiefs. ÂÂ