Salah Ed-deen brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees declared responsibility for firing two homemade shells at Sderot.

The brigades said that the shells were fired in retaliation of the death of two children killed by the Israeli army in the West Bank on Thursday. 

The two children were shot dead near the village of Beit Likia, west of Ramallah, during a protest against the construction of the separation wall in the area.

Two homemade shells fired at Sderot

Thursday at night, a resistance group fired two homemade shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot.

Yossi Cohen, spokesman of Sderot municipality, stated that one home was hit by a shell causing damage; two Israelis were treated for shock, Cohen reported.

The second shells apparently landed in an open area.

In a meeting with senior security officials on Thursday, the Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said that the army must respond “to every attack, decisively but proportionally”. 

Also, a senior military officer of the southern command told the Israeli Ynet newspaper and online daily, that he expects Hamas to continue ‘occasional firing of homemade shells, at least until the Gaza pullout is completed, in a bid to score political points”,  according to the official.