A local source in the village of al-Sammoa’ near Hebron reported that military bulldozers uprooted farmlands located between al-Radeem, Ghwein al-Tihta, and Ghwein al-Foqa areas south of Hebron.

Army bulldozed the lands in order to erect the Separation wall section in these areas.

Also, military engineers started placing marks specifying the rout of the Separation wall in Zannouta village, near al-Thaheriyya south of Hebron.

Abdul-Hadi Hantash, an expert in settlements and maps, member of the General Committee of Land Defense, said that the Israeli government is annexing thousands of Dunams from the residents in order to erect the wall in the Palestinian areas regardless of its negative effects on the residents.

Hantash added that the army is preparing new plans for the route of the Wall in Hebron.

In a separate incident, settlers of Sosia settlement, east of Yatta in the south of Hebron, constructed three units east of the settlement, while the Israeli army conducted no efforts to evacuate the illegal constructions.