The Israeli army completed exercises for removing settler groups who are expected to barricade themselves in their homes during the implementation of disengagement. 

The Israeli army will allocate five soldiers for every settler who objects to be evacuated; four soldiers will hold the settler from his arms and legs while the fifth will clear the way through the crowded settlers.

The police will be responsible of direct contact with settlers who barricade themselves during implementation of disengagement.

Yet, military officials are facing another problem with settler women who are expected to barricade themselves while holding babies in their arms.

Soldiers were instructed to leave the child in his mother’s arms, but if this was not possible, the mother and her child will be separated during evacuation, but will remain within sight of each other.

So far, right wing groups destroyed, over the weekend, seven trucks, bulldozers and steamrollers, an Israeli source reported, the destroyed vehicles were parked at a military parking lot in the Gush Katif settlement bloc..

The settlers glued vehicles’ doors, foamed their engines and broke the trucks’ locks.

The Israeli government plans to present the Nitzanim plan to the Israeli National Council for Planning and Construction, regardless of the settlers’ agreement which was initially required. 

Also, Ophir Paz-Pines, the Israeli Interior Minister singed on Sunday documents specifying pat pf the Nitzanim as a nature reserve; the reserve includes 7650 Dunams out of 30.000, most of these Dunams are currently used by the army as a firing range. ÂÂ