Palestinian Ministry of Local Government reported that the Israeli Authorities informed dozens of residents of Bethlehem and Hebron of intentions to grab lands in order to use them for military training and the Separation Wall.

Khaled Al-Azza, director general of the of the Popular Committee against the Wall at the department of local government in Jerusalem, said that the army intends to annex 770 Dunams from Beit Jala, al-Walaja, Batteer, Husan and Wad Fokkin, in Bethlehem, in addition to grabbing more land which belongs to residents of Surif, near Hebron.

The land grab orders were signed by Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh Aloof, head of Israel’s Home Front Command; Aloof claimed that the lands will be used for military purposes, and that the lands belong to the government of Israel.

Also, Al-Azza said that the lands will be used to construct new sections of the Wall in these areas, and added that the owners of the lands carry the needed documents proving their ownership of their lands.

Al-Azza considered the Israeli policy of home demolishing, land grab and the continuous violations against the Palestinian residents and their rights, as a clear proof that ‘Sharon’s government does not intend to recognize the Palestinian right of independence, and the right of return.

Al-Azza appealed international organizations to stop the Israeli violations and land grab policies, which threatens the truce and any future peace efforts in the region.ÂÂ