More than one thousand families from the Gush Katif bloc of settlements in the Gaza Strip have signed a document expressing readiness for voluntary collective evacuation to permanent homes in Nitzanim area, Israel Radio reported Thursday.

The signed document, prepared by the Forum of Jurists for the Land of Israel, will be presented to the Israeli high court on Thursday.
Settlers have petitioned the High Court against the ultimatum set forth by Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni.

The document states that Gush Katif settlers "still oppose the evacuation, but if the disengagement takes place, it is preferable that all resident of the Gush move to Nitzanim together as a community."

It is almost impossible that the government will be able to prepare permanent homes for evacuated settlers in proper time, it is likely that settlers are divided into two camps; one camp sees signing the document as a way to impose more delays to the evacuation; the other camp believes that disengagement is inevitable and would like to advance the Nitzanim plan.