Sunday afternoon, a Palestinian security source reported that two residents were killed in an explosion east of Gaza, and another resident was killed in a seperate explosion in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip. 

The explosion occurred in a car they were driving in al-Shujaeyya area, east of Gaza, three others were injured.

A medical source at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza reported that two dead bodies were transferred to the hospital after the explosion, and three other residents were treated for wounds.

The bodies of the two killed residents were severely mutilated, and were not identified yet.

According to the Israeli online daily Haaretz, the two are Fatah activists, and that they apparently died when a bomb, they were preparing, exploded prematurely.

Also on Sunday, resident Tashseen Kallakh, 22, died in an explosion in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Kallakh is a member of al-Qassam brigades, the military wing if Hamas.

The Israeli army claims the Kallakh was killed in a failed attempt to fire a homemade shell.