Wednesday at noon, four residents were injured in Beit Sorik, north west of Jerusalem during clashes which erupted after the military bulldozers uprooted farmlands in order to construct the Separation Wall.

A medical source at al-Carmel medical center in Beit Sorik reported that Nabeel Ibrahim, 40, Shaher al-Sheikh, 38, Khalil al-Jamal, 42, and Taiseer Khalil were badly clubbed and beaten by the soldiers, and sustained moderate injuries.

A local source in the village reported that dozens of residents protested in their lands since early morning hours, against the bulldozing their only source of livelihood.

The residents were attacked by soldiers riding horses, and forced out of their orchards in Ansaf area, west of Beit Forik.

The amy bulldozed thousands of Dunams over the last few months, but the construction of the Wall in the area was suspended by the Israeli High Court.

Also, soldiers annexed 5000 Dunams which belong to residents of the village in order to expand Hardad settlement, near the village.