Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Mohannad al-Kharraz, said that detainee Mohammad Yasser al-Ja’bary, from Nablus, attempted suicide by trying to burn himself and the room he is held in.

Al-Ja’bary, currently held at Salem prison, north of the West Bank city of Nablus, is suffering from mental illness, and attempted to burn himself by setting fire in the mattresses he has in his room.
“He does not control his actions, he burnt three mattresses, and the detainees saved his life at the right moment”, al-Kharraz said.
Lawyer al-Kharraz added that al-Ja’bary is suffering from a seriously deteriorating mental condition, in addition to several health problems, and that he has never been examined by the physician of the detention.  
The detainee was sent to court, and it decided to extend his detention period for additional eight days, until he is seen by the physician to determine his condition.
“The judge rejected to release him, al-Kharraz urinated in his clothes during the court session, but the judge rejected to release him in order to enable us provide him with the needed medical care and attention”, al-Kharraz added.