Israeli military source said Tuesday that two workers, a Chinese and a Palestinian were killed and six other Palestinian workers were lightly wounded in a mortar attack at hothouses in the Gaza Strip settlement bloc of Gush Katif.

Qassam hits Sderot, Mofaz weighs response
Tuesday morning, a Palestinian resistance group fired four homemade shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sdeort; Israeli defense minister Mofaz, convenes with army officials.
An Israeli military source reported that a mother and her two daughters, aged 6 and 18, were treated for shock at the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.
According to Israeli army reports, one shell hit a roof house causing some damage.
The source also said that military searches uncovered two other homemade shells which landed at in open area near Sderot.
According to the Israeli online daily, Haaretz, Iz Ed-Deen al-Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, claimed responsibility for firing the shells.
Sderot mayor, Eli Moyal, claimed that one of the shells landed near his home shaking it, no damage.
Meanwhile, the Israeli defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, convened a meeting with senior military officials on Tuesday morning to discuss a military response to the firing of the homemade shells.
Mofaz repeatedly threatened that the Israeli army would respond severely to any firing of homemade shells at Israeli settlements and military camps.
Tuesday at dawn, Israeli soldiers shelled several homes, west of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
A local source in Khan Younis reported that soldiers based at military towers surrounding Naveh Dkalim settlement fired at dozens of homes in west Khan Younis refugee camp, damage reported, no injuries.
Dozens of residents fled out of their homes, fearing additional shelling by heavy ammunition.  
An Israeli military source claimed that the firing of the homemade shells is ‘related to internal political developments” in the Gaza Strip, and added that no Palestinians were injured by the army in the Gaza Strip in recent days.