The Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security, expressed concerns that Israeli might launch a wide scaled military operation in the Gaza Strip.

The ministry said that Israeli military planes and helicopters have been hovering over the Gaza Strip over the last few days, which might lead to dropping paratroopers in the area or executive a possible assassination.
Also, the ministry warned that any military escalation will drag the area in a new cycle of violence, which will destroy peace efforts in the region.
The ministry added that the military operations conducted on Tuesday, during which three Palestinians were killed in the West Bank cities of Qabatia, Jenin and Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, are considered a direct and dangerous escalation, which is accompanied by repeated threats by extremist settler groups to attack al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.   
The Palestinian Authority held the Israeli government responsible of any further deterioration of the situation, and called on the Palestinian factions to remain committed to the cease fire, and truce declared during the Cairo meetings between the P.A and political factions.
The P.A also said that it will monitor all of the Israeli violations, and will act wisely in order to counter them using the appropriate means.   
Israel postponed on Tuesday a scheduled meeting between P.A Minister of Interior, Nasser Yousef, and the Israeli Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz, without providing and explanation for the delay.