Protesters against the separation wall in the village of Belein, near Ramallah, responded Friday to army tear gas by throwing balloons filed with chicken urine “poo missiles” at soldiers.

“It was amusing to see balloons exploding in the face of soldiers and police officers and drowning them in a sea of stench,” one demonstrator said.

Soldiers and border police forces arrived Friday morning at the village of Belein to disperse a group of protesters at the wall construction site on villagers’ farmland.

Troops showered the group of around 100 local, Israeli and international protestors with tear gas, stunt grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets.

To soldiers’ surprise, protesters responded with the ‘poo missiles’, which, according to protestors, hit several soldiers.

The military confirmed demonstrators hurled manure-filled bags at Border Guard forces, but said the balloons did not hit the officers, saying that the incident is viewed as a severe one.

No injuries were reported in the protest, but one Israeli demonstrator was detained and taken in for interrogation.