The Prisoners’ Support Society in Majd Al-Kroom said that it received information from Shatta detention camp during the past two days, and through the lawyer of the society, that soldiers at the detention are escalating their assaults and violations against the detainees.

The society said that soldiers continued imposing high fines against the detainees in addition to conducting inhuman acts against them, by clubbing them, stripping them, and placing tem in solitary detention.

The lawyer of the society said that Detainee Yasser Abu Aker was severely beaten, Tuesday, fined and placed in solitary detention after meeting with Arab member of Knesset, Jamal Zahalqa, who visited him and several other detainees in Shatta detention camp.

Soldiers also assaulted several other detainees in Shatta after ejecting to be stripped for searching; high fines were also imposed on them.

Some of those detainees were identified as Fuad Barhoush, Husam Abed, Murad Abu-Zeitoun, Mohammad Ghawader, Ma’moun Sattout, Ahmad Ighabriyya, Sharif Fathi, Qandil, Monther Miflih, in addition to assaulting detainee Ashraf Hasan after leading Friday prayers in the detention and delivering the speech which follows Friday prayers in the Moslem tradition.

Meanwhile, several other detainees expressed their anger and distress over the treatment they encounter on daily basis warning that the situation is dangerous and on the edge of “exploding” at any moment.

The detainees also held the administration responsible of the current assaults and violations in addition to holding it responsible to any escalation which might occur if their violations and assaults against the Palestinian and Arab detainees continue.