The Islamic Jihad movement released a statement on Thursday saying that the Israeli army arrested 300 members of the movement over the last two months.

The movement called on its members and activists to take all needed precautions of possible assassinations.

Also, the movement demanded the P.A and president Abbas to stop the meetings with Sharon, and any meetings with the Israeli government describing the meetings as “unfruitful”.

“The war Israel declared against the movement and its leaders will only strengthen us, and empower our steadfastness”, the movement stated.

The movement added that being committed to the truce does not mean standing still without retaliating to the continuous Israeli violations against its fighters and the Palestinian people.

“The movement, and other Palestinian factions, has the right to respond to the Israeli violations in the appropriate time and place”, the movement added.

The movement clarified its position saying that its retaliation to the Israeli violations is not considered a violation to the truce, and that “the weapon of resistance will remain ready as long as the occupation continues its attacks against the Palestinian people”.