An Israeli military source reported on Friday night that the same gunmen, who shot at settlers near Beit Haggai, continued to the Adorai’m junction, near Dura, where they opened fire on a car, lightly wounding two people.

Friday afternoon, an Israeli military source reported that one youth settler was killed, two seriously injured while waiting for a bus in front of Beit Haggai settlement, in the southern Hebron area.

According to initial investigation conducted by the Israeli army, the shots were fired at the settlers while they were standing at a hitchhiking post near the settlement.

“One car stopped near the setters, opened fired at them and speeded away”, the source said.

The army predicts that the assailants did not leave the Hebron area, and initiated military searches; several shots were fired at the attackers, according army sources.

Also, the army claims that one Martyr Masoud Ayyad Group, and al-Aqsa brigades, both belong to the military wing of Fateh, claimed responsibility for the shooting.