Ismael Haneiah, member of Hamas political leadership, said during the First Intellectual Meeting, organized by the movement and several authors, intellectuals and researches, that the main interests of the movement are to maintain internal unity between the Palestinian movements, the Palestinian people, and protect their right to resist the occupation.

“Wherever there is occupation, there is resistance, Palestinian factions should be effectively involved in the political process at this stage in order to guarantee fair representation, face the challenges, counter corruption and protect the Palestinian people and their interests”, Haneiah said.

Haneiahadded that the relations with Europe are based on the belief that the Moslems should have relations with the rest of the world, and that there is nothing which prohibits such relations.

“Our struggle is against the occupation, our operations are directed against the occupation and not against the world, we never interfered with the internal affairs of any Arab or foreign country”, Haneiah stated.


Commenting on dialogue with Europe, Haneiahsaid that the media amplified this issue since the movement always held talks with Europe and even with the United States, but the States stopped these meetings.

“We don not appose meeting with any side, we promote dialogue, the E.U started dialogue with us on certain levels, and we welcomed it”, Haneiah added.

Haneiah also said that Hamas does not reject the truce, and is committed to the Palestinian standards, but some operations are carried by its members in retaliation to the Israeli violations.