Wednesday evening, a Palestinian medical source in Hebron reported that two residents were badly bruised and sustained fractions after soldiers and settlers attacked them in the West Bank city of Hebron.

The source stated that Thieb Falah al-Asshy, 24, and Ahmad Ismail Jaber, 23, were hospitalized suffering from fractions and bruised in several parts of their bodies.

A Palestinian security source in Hebron said that the two residents were attacked in two separate incidents.

Resident al-Asshy was injured after the soldiers and settlers attacked him in an area adjacent to Kharseena settlement, east of Hebron, while resident Jaber was injured after settlers of Keryat Arba’ settlement hurled stones and empty bottles at him in al-Jalajil area, east of the settlement.

Hebron area witnessed recently repeated attacks by the settlers against the residents in Hebron, especially in the center of the city, the old city and several surrounding villages.

On Wednesday morning, a group of extremist settlers of the Ramat Yeshai illegal outpost attacked and injured a 16 years old girl in Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood, in the center of the West Bank city of Hebron.

The girl, Raja’ abu Aisha, was transferred to the Hebron Hospital and treated for fractions and bruises.

The settlers also attacked dozens of homes, hurled stones and empty bottles at them and barred dozens of residents from entering their homes.