Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree on Thursday dismissing Radwan Abu Ayyash, chair of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, Palestinian sources reported.

Abu Ayash is to be given another task by the Ministry of Information. However, his exact position is yet to be decided.

Palestinian Minister of Information Dr. Nabil Sha’ath selected Basim Abu Sumaya as Abu Ayyash’s replacement.

Abu Ayyash had chaired the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation since 1995 and is considered as one of the main founders of the Corporation, which was founded in 1993.

The Palestine TV corporation was established after the declaration of principles between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel in 1993, which preceded the signing of the Oslo accords in 1995.

Israeli officials always accused the Palestinian TV corporation of broadcasting inciting material against Israel.

During the Israeli military operation of April 2002 Israeli air force gun ships fired several missiles at the TV and the radio buildings in Ramallah, causing serious damage.