Israeli forces, today, abducted at least 13 Palestinians from various parts of the West Bank, according to the Palestine Prisoner’s Society (PPS).

Israeli forces detained five Palestinians from the central West Bank district of Ramallah and al-Bireh.

Meanwhile, PPS confirmed that three Palestinians were rounded up during predawn raids across the southern West Bank district of Bethlehem.

Palestinian security sources said that among the three detainees was a young man from Tuqu’ town, southeast of Bethlehem city.

In Hebron, two Palestinians were rounded up from the southern West Bank district.

Elaborating on the Hebron-district raids, security sources said that Israeli forces detained Fateh’s secretary in the southern the West Bank, Awni al-Rajabi, who was taken from his house in Hebron city, and another man, after stopping him at a military checkpoint in the vicinity of the Ibrahimi Mosque.

In the northern West Bank, PPS said that two Palestinians were detained from the Nablus district.

In the Jerusalem district, Israeli troops manning Zaayim military checkpoint, east of Jerusalem, stopped and detained a former prisoner.

The detainee was identified as the Director of Jerusalem’s Prisoners’ Affairs Commission office Thaer Anis.

Israeli forces frequently raid Palestinian houses on an almost daily basis, across the West Bank, on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.

(photo: Al Ray archive image)