Israeli soldiers invaded the West Bank city of Jenin and Jenin refugee camp, conducting military searches of homes and arresting four residents, including an Islamic Jihad spokesperson.

A local source in Jenin reported that soldiers surrounded the eastern neighborhood and Jabal abu Thuheir area, broke into dozens of homes and arrested four residents alleged to be members of the Islamic Jihad. 

One of the arrested residents was identified as Nasser al-Jamal.

Also on Thursday, soldiers arrested Khader Adnan, the Islamic Jihad media spokesperson in the West Bank and took him to an unknown destination.

Sheikh Abdul Halim Izzidin, one of the movements’ political leaders said that the arrest of Adnan is considered as proof that Israel will persist in resuming its ceasefire violations and attacks.

The Islamic Jihad movement officially condemned the arrest of Adnan saying that targeting a political leader of the movement reveals the Israel’s real intention of resuming its attacks against the movement and its leadership.

In a phone interview he gave to IMEMC on Wednesday, Adnan said that the Islamic Jihad movement will stop its attacks in the Gaza Strip until after the disengagement to ensure a peaceful pullout of the Israeli settlers and army from the Strip.

Adnan added that if Israel does not attack, the movement will not resume attacks against Israeli targets.

Izzidin stated earlier that the Islamic Jihad movement does not exclude recognizing the state of Israel in the future if it joins the Palestinian Authority.