Lawyers for the Palestinian Prisoners Society recently visited several detainees in Israeli detention facilities at Gilboa’ and Be’er Shiva.

According to the lawyers, Fawwaz Shalloudi and Raed Mahameed, detainees in Be’er Shiva detention facility complained of the lack of clothes, crowded rooms, and bad food, in addition to repeated attacks carried against them by the soldiers.

The detainees are usually transferred to Be’er Shiva following interrogation and aren’t provided with any clothes.

The Prison Administration is barring parents and humanitarian organizations from providing the detainee with clothes, which forces them to remain in the same clothes they were wearing when arrested.

Detainees are also subjected to provocative body searches, in addition to high fines imposed against them without any proper explanation, and repeatedly denied their visitation rights.

In Gilboa’ detention facility the detainees are subjected to continuous attacks by military units known as Nakhshon.

Soldiers of Nakhshon units repeatedly attack detainees as they are transferred to court or as they are being transferred to other detention facilities.

The detainees are always handcuffed, and their legs are tied to each other, when they are transferred to court or moved to another prison.

Also, Gilboa’ detainees are provided with food of very bad quality, which was found to be contaminated in several cases. The problem forces detainees to buy food from the prison canteen at very high prices.