An Israeli military source reported, on Wednesday morning, that settlers in Shirat Hayam settlement are collecting intelligence info on army movements expecting a possible close attack.

The settlers are aware of the importance of Shirat Hayam settlement, which is a small settlement, to the disengagement plan, since it leads to the only alternative road route of Gush Katif along the shore, and was blocked in recent days by trenches and tire-puncturing materials.

The settlers started removing the fences surrounding the settlements on Tuesday in order to facilitate their escape towards al-Mawassi outpost, to the east of Shirat Hayam. Pullout foes removed the fences in order to avoid what happened in Kfar Maimoun settlement, where the fences surrounding it helped the police enclose them.

An Israeli military source reported that army fears that the soldiers would have to “hunt: the settlers running in Palestinian areas while protecting them. Also, the army fears that some settlers will run into the sea.

Settlement leaders used loudspeakers on Tuesday to call the settlers to assemble near the synagogue of the settlement, and asked them to leave their tents and join the families in houses, in accordance to lists previously prepared distributing the settlers into houses.

In Morag settlement, dozens of settlers set garbage dumpsters on fire, and barricaded themselves as the Israeli army arrived at the settlement in order to evacuate them.

The settlers barricaded themselves in hothouses and rooftops across the settlements after places obstacles on the major roads.

Several settlers were detained after gluing nails to the streets leading to the settlement.