The Israeli army expects to complete the evacuation of all settlements in the Gaza Strip, and four West Bank settlements by the end of next week, a senior source at the Disengagement Authority reported.

Evacuation of Gaza settlements, four in W. Bank to be completed by end of next week

The source stated that the army is slated to evacuate the settlements of Atzmona, Slav and Katif, in the Gush Katif settlement Bloc in the Gaza Strip, on Sunday.

Army expects tough resistance from some 1000 settlers and hundreds of illegal infiltrators.

Also, the army expects to evacuate the northern West Bank settlements of Doughit, Elei Sinai, and Nissanit settlements, on Sunday. Only several families are still in living in these settlements.

Emptying Gaza settlements will me concluded on Monday, including evacuating Netzarim enclave.

So far, talks between the Israeli security and local settlement leader in Netzarim did not reach any agreement on voluntary evacuation, settlement leaders said they will resist the evacuation, but will not use violence against the soldiers.

On Tuesday, the army is slated to start evacuating Homesh and Sa-Nur settlements in the West Bank. Hundreds of radical settler youth moved into the settlement in recent weeks; the army did not rule out the possibility of delaying the evacuation.

Meanwhile, settlers of Ganim and Kadim in the northern Wets Bank have already evacuated the settlements over the past several weeks, an Israeli military source reported.