Dozens of Palestinians, International and Israeli peace activists marched on Friday in the village of Bil’in near the West Bank city of Ramallah protesting the construction of the separation wall on the land of their village.

Protestors wrapped themselves with flags of the United Nations and blindfolded themselves with Israeli flags, signaling that the UN sees the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through Israeli eyes only.

This is an apparent message to the United Nations Security Council which did not allow a resolution regarding the wall as Illegal to pass.

The International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled the wall illegal, a resolution that has been adopted by the general assembly of the UN.

Upon arrival at the construction site, the UN-flag-wrapped-protestors, threw a ball wrapped with a Palestinian flag, among each other, with no one keeping it longer than one second.

Several protestors managed to stick magnetic signs on the Israeli soldiers’ rifles saying, ‘this weapon kills peace and steals land’ in three languages, Arabic, English and Hebrew.

Soldiers responded with firing rubber-coated-metal bullets at the protestors in an attempt to disperse the crowed, Palestinian News Agency, WAFA reported.

Troops also made use of tear gas against the protestors, and beat them with their back of the guns and clubs.

At least 40 protestors were wounded, said Abdullah Abu Rahme, coordinator of the committee to resist the wall in the village, and one of the organizers of the protest which became a weekly tradition. All wounds were described as light.

Six others were arrested and dozens were treated for gas inhalation, Abu Rahme said.