Sufian Abu Zaida, Palestinian Minister of Detainees and Liberated Detainees, said that there are no current negotiations with the Israeli side regarding releasing Gaza detainees from Israeli prisons.

Abu Zaida stated that the Palestinian Authority did not negotiate the Gaza withdrawal with Israel, since it was a unilateral step.

“Our position is clear regarding this issue. Israel should free all of the detainees who live in the evacuated areas,” Abu Zaida said. “We informed the Quartet that we have received no clear answers from Israel.” 

Also, Abu Zaida added that there are no current meetings between Israel and the P.A concerning this issue and that Israel is currently busy with internal issues regarding withdrawal.

“These issues are apparently making them unable to discuss the detainees’ files with us,” Abu Zaida added.

“The withdrawal will never be complete while the detainees are still behind bars, not only the detainees who live in the evacuated areas,” Abu Zaida said. “This is considered a main issue to the P.A; all of the Palestinian detainees should be freed.”