The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine denied reports which were published by the media regarding its intention to run in the upcoming Palestinian Legislative elections, scheduled for January 25, 2006.

Khaled Al Batsh, one of the movements’ political leaders, said that such news was released after the Palestinian Prime Minister, Ahmad Qorei, met with leaders of political factions in Syria, including Jihad leaders.

Several Palestinian movements based in Damascus called for participation in the elections so that they could be part of the political decision “as they are part of the struggle.”

“The Islamic Jihad did not change its position of not participating in the elections, since the reasons which made the movement refrain from participating in the first elections are still there,” Al Batsh said, “The occupation is still there.  After Israel withdraws from the areas occupied since 1967, we will consider such a move.”

Also, Al Batsh added that this is the final decision of the movement in Palestine and in exile. “We should not rush a political decision.  So far we do not have reach achievements on the ground.”

“We will continue our resistance, we are not afraid to remain alone on the battlefield,” Al Batsh said. “We will not accuse others of leaving the struggle, our resistance will increase out credibility among our people.”