An Israeli source reported on Thursday that Eliran Golan, charged with planning to kill Arab residents of Israel, including Arab member of Knesset, is currently in a critical condition after attempting to hang himself.

Guards in Kishon prison found Golan, who hung himself, and called in a doctor; Golan was transferred to Rambam hospital in Haifa and is currently in a serious condition.

Golan is charged with attempting to kill Arab member of Knesset Issam Makhoul, member of the Hadash-Ta`al party. The bomb was placed under a car which belongs to the wife of Makhoul.

He apparently placed the bomb on one of the vehicle’s tires; the explosive went off, but no one was hurt in the incident.

An Israeli court ruled two months ago that Golan is sane and it fit for trial; the indictment against him states that he placed four explosive devices meant to harm Arab residents of Haifa, some of the charges exploded while others were defused.  

Golan also placed an explosive device in the balcony of a couple from Haifa, the couple is a Jewish woman and an Arab man, the bomb was placed under the table and discovered ahead of time.

In a separate incident, Golan placed a bomb under a vehicle which belongs to an Arab Haifa family, the bomb failed to go off.

The prosecution said that Golan called the family’s home and impersonated an insurance agent, in an attempt to find information regarding the family’s vehicle.

In a related incident, the Haifa District Court convicted in May 2005, Alexander Rabinovitch, of obtaining explosives and bullets for Golan. 


Rabinovitch was serving at the Israeli army, and helped Golan to “take actions against the Arab residents of Haifa”, and supplied him with explosives and rifle bullets in order to kill Arab residents of Israel who he said “gave aid to terrorism”.