Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet with the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the end of September, after they return from the United Nations general Assembly meeting, scheduled for September 19, Israeli sources said.

It is expected that Sharon will also meet with the U.S. President George W. Bush at the U.N. however is not expected to meet with Abbas.

In a phone call between Abbas and the Israeli vice premier, Shimon Peres, Abbas said, that he hopes that the Gaza pullout is the first phase of a process that will lead to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

On the other hand, Israeli sources reported that King Abdullah II, of Jordan is expected to visit Israel and meet with Sharon next week, marking his first official visit to Israel.

The sources said, this visit comes as part of the Arab support for the disengagement plan, under which, Israel evacuated the 21 Gaza Strip settlements and four minor West Bank ones.

The source also claimed, that this is not the first time, the King of Jordan visits Israel, he visited Israel secretly and met with Sharon at Haskamim farm.

However, an official Jordanian source, denied that preparations and coordination with the Israelis are ongoing for the visit, adding that the king has no plans to visit Israel next week.