Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, said that Israel will be still occupying some of the Palestinian lands on the coastal strip in Gaza, even after pullout from the Gaza Strip.

Abbas stated that there are several borders crossings built by Israel on Gaza land, and should be moved out as part of the Israeli pullout.

“There are Palestinians lands in eastern and northern Gaza “, Abbas said referring to Karni and Eretz border crossings, in an interview published on Saturday by Al Quds Palestinian daily.

“We need to discuss the details, in order to get back to the real borders”, Abbas added; the real borders are the frontier, between Gaza and Israel, which existed before the 1967 war.

Also, Abbas stated that the Israeli inspection of traffic entering the Gaza Strip through Egypt is unacceptable to the P.A, and proposed a joint Palestinian-Egyptian force will be formed to scan in-going goods. 

“Yet, Israel didn’t respond to this proposal”, Abbas added.