An Israeli source reported on Wednesday afternoon, that the government is set to approve on Sunday, the military withdrawal from the Gaza Strip next week, three days ahead of the planned schedule.

A source at the Israel military command said that soldiers will have 24 hours to complete the pullout from the moment Sharon gives his orders to do so.

Yet, the exact moment of evacuation depends on a government decision on whether to demolish or move the synagogues in the evacuated settlements; both solutions could take a day of two to complete.

Sharon summoned his top ministers on Wednesday in what was described as a crucial meeting to discuss disengagement related issues which were left unsettled.

Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz, met with the Israeli Foreign Minister, Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom, Finance Minister Ehud Olmert, Vice Premier Shimon Peres, and Minister Haim Ramon, attended the meetings and discussed issues regarding the control of Gaza-Egypt border crossing, the Philadilphi route, and the transfer of the evacuated areas in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. 

A meeting is scheduled to take place later Wednesday; the army is expected to recommend to Sharon bind the evacuation of the Philadilphi Route with the handover of former Gaza settlements to the Palestinian Authority.