The Israeli Air Force shelled three civilian targets in the northern Gaza Strip, and south of Gaza city; three residents were injured, a Palestinian security source reported.

The source stated that military apaches fired on Saturday at dawn, several missiles at homes, and a smithy workshop in Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Three residents, including a child and a woman were injured, several homes damaged.

The Israeli army claimed that the air strikes targeted weapons facilities which belong to Hamas, a weapons warehouse in Jabalia, and another weapons warehouse in Gaza city.

Resident Mahed Abu Assi, 42, an owner of one of the workshops, denied the military allegations that his workshop was used to produce weapons.

Also, an Israeli military source reported that one of the missiles landed and exploded near a house which belongs to a fighter of the Islamic Jihad in Gaza city.

On Saturday morning, an Israeli military spokesperson said that the army will continue its attacks against the resistance factions.

Also, a source at the Israeli Defense Ministry reported on Saturday morning, that the ministry is weighing a military operation in the Gaza strip.

Mosheer Al Masry, Hamas spokesperson said that the movement will retaliate to the Israeli air strikes.

Saturday morning, Israeli military source claimed that five Israelis were hurt, one moderately, in the Negev town of Sderot after the Palestinian resistance fired 26 homemade shells.

Also, the source stated that two homemade shells were fired at an Israeli military base near the “security fence” in Gaza, one shell landed in Kibbutz Kissufim, and one anti-tank missile was fired at soldiers operating along the Gaza border, no injuries.