Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Raed Mahameed, reported that he visited a number of female detainees in Telmond detention facility, who informed him thay carried out a partial hunger strike, in protest to the repeated attacks against them, and their bad living conditions.

Mahameed stated that the detainees will declare a complete hunger strike if their conditions do not improve, especially after the soldiers repeatedly broke into their rooms. 

Detainee Raeda Mohammad Jadallah, from Nablus, said that soldiers sprayed the detainees with gas while they were at the prison yard.

Nour Chanim, two years old child in his detained mother care, suffocated after inhaling gas and received first aid.

The child, 23 month-old, will be taken away from his mothers’ care next month.

Detainee Rasha Khaled Al Azza, from Bethlehem, appealed the humanitarian organization to interfere in order to release detainee Manal Ghanim along with her child.

Meanwhile, the administration confined several detainees to solitary, and severely punched and clubbed them. 

Detainee Jadallah stated that tension in Telmond is mounting, adding that the detainees will go on full hunger strike if their conditions are not improved.

In a separate incident, Palestinian detainees in Eshile and Ohali Qidar detention facilities reported that they are suffering bad living conditions and deprived from their medication rights.

Lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Fawwaz Shalloudi, said that several detainees are suffering critical health conditions and need immediate medical attention and treatment.

Shalloudi added that detainee Abdul-Karim Jouda, 46, lost his sight in the right eye, and needs a medical operation in it. Also Jouda needs surgery in his stomach after developing ulcer, and is suffering from infections in his kidneys and urinal track.