Israeli military sources claimed that soldiers arrested a 17-year-old girl, at a checkpoint in Nablus, and claimed that she was on here way to carry a suicide bombing.

Anan Adel Khashana said that his daughter, Nisreen, was on her way to Al Sawiya village, to help her sister in preparation for her wedding.

“We were surprised when we received a phone call from someone at the checkpoint telling us that our daughter has been arrested”, the father said, “She was detained at Huwwara checkpoint, near Nablus”.

Khashana added that the family does not know the current location of their daughter after she was arrested and taken to an unknown destination. “We informed the Red Cross and the Palestinian Prisoners Society”, he stated.

The Israeli media published conflicting reported regarding Nisreen’s arrest; some media sources in Israel reported that she was on her way to carry a suicide bombing, while other sources said that soldiers found a knife with her.

Nisreen is a finale-grade school student at Sameer Sa’ad School in Nablus.