Ofer Israeli military court transferred 200 out of 500 Palestinian detainees to administrative detention without trial; the court said it does not have the time to prosecute them.

500 Palestinians were arrested over the last few weeks in several West Bank areas; the detainees were placed in several detention facilities without granting them the right to meet with their lawyers, or enjoy legal representation.  

The Palestinian Prisoners Society slammed the arrests, and the mistrials which violate the international law.

Palestinian detainees who are transferred to administrative detention, do not enjoy legal representation, and are not allowed to know what charges are filed against them, even their lawyers are not allowed to have access to their files.

The society reported that their lawyer, Mahmoud Al Halabi, asked the prosecutor about the charges filed against the detainees, but he was not able to answer his questions, yet the court sentenced the detainee to different administrative detention periods.

Also, Al Halabi added that the court claimed that it does not have enough time to examine the files of the detainees.

The detainees were transferred to administrative detention for periods which varied between four and six months.

Most of the detainees are from the West Bank cities of Hebron, Nablus, Tulkarem and Jenin.