The armed wings of the Palestinian resistance factions signed a national covenant of honor aimed at minimizing chances of in-fight and at the same time, safeguarding the resistance and maintaining its weapons.

Abu Obaidah, spokesperson for Izzedin Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said on Saturday that some parties are exploiting the state of chaos in the Palestinian territories to harm the resistance and take their weapons.

Abu Obaidah added that the armed wings of the National and Islamic factions signed a written national covenant of honor to protect the resistance from such plots.

In statements to the press, he said, ‘The covenant states that as long as the Israeli occupation exists, the resistance will always remain the people’s national and strategic choice as a means of fighting this occupation.’

He said, ‘The covenant stresses on safeguarding Palestinian diplomatic and political action on condition that it protects our national constants.’

‘The national covenant respects the calm announced by the Palestinian factions; however, we have the right to respond at any violations carried out by the occupation,’ Abu Obaidah maintained.

He continued, ‘What prompted us to sign this national covenant of honor is that we feel there is a real conspiracy against the entire Palestinian cause and a true danger threatening the arms of the resistance.’

‘Later Saturday, representatives of the factions who signed the covenant will hold a press conference,’ Abu Obaidah said.

Last week, clashes which erupted between Hamas operatives and the Palestinian Police resulted in three dead Palestinians and dozens of wounded.

The clashes erupted as the PA police attempted to arrest a top Hamas operatives, Mohammad Al-Rantisi, son of the former chief of the movement Abdul Aziz Al-Rantisi who was assassinated in Gaza Strip in April 2004 in an Israeli air strike that targeted the car he was riding.